Recommendations for the European Commission on a European Strategic Framework and Potential Future Legislative Acts for the Energy Sector (co-author)
The Commission under the lead of DG Energy is preparing a strategy on cyber security for the whole energy sector to reinforce and to complement the implementation of Directive on security of Network and Information Systems (NIS) at energy sector level and also to foster synergies between the Energy Union and the Digital Single Market agenda. In this respect, the Energy Expert Cyber Security Platform (EECSP) – Expert Group started work in December 2015. This document reflects the work of this Expert Group towards the development of an energy cyber security strategy by analysis of respective cyber security challenges and existing policy papers with the aim to recommend actions for consideration by the European Commission.
- Chapter 3 provides an executive summary highlighting the key analysis results and recommended actions.
- The approach and methodology to derive these recommendations from the EECSP-Expert Group is described in detail in chapter 4.
- Chapter 5 gives a detailed view on the challenges in the energy sector as viewed by the EECSP-Expert Group.
- These has led to a set of strategic areas that need to be addressed by the energy sector; the strategic areas are described in chapter 6.
- Chapter 7 summarizes the existing policy landscape in cyber security for the energy sector at European Union level.
- These policy papers were analyzed in the context of the strategic areas identified in order to identify gaps in the existing policy which are provided in chapter 8.
- A set of recommended actions to be considered by the European Commission are included in chapter 9.